Lead Gen Basics:
Balancing Funnel Building, Landing Pages & Online Forms

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, lead generation is critical to the growth and sustainability of a business.

At the heart of successful lead generation lies the concept of funnel building, which involves guiding potential customers through various stages until they convert.

Landing pages and online forms are pivotal in this journey, serving as crucial touchpoints that move leads down the funnel.

Let's explore how these elements fit into the funnel-building process.

The Stages of Online Lead Generation

1. Awareness

The journey begins with potential leads discovering your brand. Landing pages in this stage are designed to educate and inform, driving visitors to take the next step.

Example: A SaaS company offering project management tools creates SEO-optimized blog content that links to a landing page offering a free eBook on "Project Management Best Practices." This page is designed to inform visitors about the company's expertise and prompt them to download the eBook, collecting their email addresses via an online form.

2. Consideration

As leads evaluate their options, they often engage with landing pages that offer more detailed information about your product or service. Online forms collect data to help further qualify leads.

Example: The same SaaS company hosts a webinar on improving team productivity, using a dedicated landing page with an online form for sign-ups. By requesting specific information such as job titles and company sizes, the form enables the company to segment its leads and tailor follow-up communications.

3. Conversion Stage

Here, the focus is on converting leads into customers. Landing pages at this stage are highly persuasive, emphasizing unique selling points and offering strong CTAs.

Example: After the webinar, the SaaS company targets attendees with a landing page that offers a discounted annual subscription. The online form on this page is simple, requesting only essential information to streamline the checkout process and increase conversion rates.

Best Practices for Using Landing Pages & Online Forms

Clear Messaging: Each landing page should have a clear headline and copy that resonates with the target audience, highlighting the benefits of the offer.

Compelling CTAs: Calls-to-action should be prominent and compelling, guiding visitors toward the desired action, whether it's signing up for a newsletter or starting a free trial.

Optimized Forms: Keep forms concise, asking only for the information you need. Consider progressive profiling, which gradually collects data over multiple interactions.

A/B Testing: Regularly test different versions of your landing pages and forms to identify what resonates best with your audience and refine your strategy.

Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure that landing pages and forms are optimized for mobile devices, as many users will interact with them on smartphones or tablets.

Funnel building with landing pages and online forms is a powerful strategy for guiding potential customers through the lead-generation process.

By understanding the unique role each element plays at different funnel stages, businesses can create targeted experiences that effectively nurture and convert leads.

With clear messaging, compelling CTAs, and optimized forms, companies can significantly enhance their lead-generation efforts and drive growth.

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Fabio De Gouveia

"Lead generation is a balancing act, make sure you focus on the basics before getting more complex!"